Vistabel / Botox
What is botulinum toxin (Vistabel ® / Botox ®)?
Botulinum toxin (Vistabel®) is a natural purified protein that relaxes facial muscles. It is injected in tiny doses where there are wrinkles, as the eyebrows, to achieve the elimination or mitigation of them and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.
LBotulinum toxin, in this case Vistabel ®, is not a filler material therefore does not eliminate wrinkles by providing volume, but acts on the face muscles relaxing them and reducing the impact on the skin contractions. It works by restoring the smoothness and radiance to the face while maintaining a natural facial expression.
Injection of botulinum toxin, in this case is a safe treatment that is used in the US for almost 20 years with exceptional results and does not require allergy testing. Very small doses are administered and does not accumulate over the years. The effects are always temporary and reversible.
En la consulta y de forma ambulatoria la toxina botulínica se aplica mediante microinyecciones prácticamente indoloras y sin anestesia. Se inyecta superficialmente en las zonas donde hay arrugas faciales de expresión, como en el entrecejo y en un tiempo muy corto, unos 15 minutos. Una vez finalizado el tratamiento se puede volver a retomar la actividad normal inmediatamente, aunque se desaconseja acostarse y hacer ejercicio durante las siguientes cuatro horas. En algunos casos puede aparecer algún pequeño hematoma que fácilmente se puede disimular con maquillaje y desaparece en pocos días.
The effects usually begin to observe from the third day and, progressively, are increasing and erasing wrinkles gradually. Rejuvenation is evident and the facial expression is more relaxed, giving a feeling of having good face and rested appearance. To keep faded wrinkles and prevent new ones appear, it is recommended to do a treatment every four months at the beginning and from the second year an application every six months.